Live Diving Webcams
I guess we got your attention, didn't we?
Great! Read On!
Ok, Ok, so we can't really have you buy a dive trip and bring all of your friends along with you for free...
But we've got the next best thing!
Welcome to the world premier of the one and only underwater camera that streams LIVE video right from the reefs to any computer connected to the Internet anywhere in the world!
First it was the boat webcams - and now this!
First, we brought you the live cameras on the dive boats so you could see trips as they happen live. It was a hit and we promised to top it! Ooops! I think we just did! We now have a camera that dives with the DiveMaster and can broadcast the actual scuba diving activity LIVE from under the water. See what we see and what all the other divers see during the actual dive. Right now we built only one, the first of it's kind anywhere in the world, and we will be working to get it in the water as often as possible, but at the moment it is only used on special occasions.

Tropical Voyager and Tropical Adventure each have 3 different webcam views.
Keep in mind they are cameras streaming over the web, so it's a small image and is not designed to be high definition or quite like watching TV in full motion! We deliver enough frames per second that you can easily keep up with all the action out on our dive trips in Key Largo both above and below the water!
Two important things to remember:
First: The cameras are not always on, we will only turn them on when the boats are out, and the divers on board are ready for their 15 minutes of fame.
Second: Although we can record, we will not be doing so. This is just for fun, another goofy idea we came up with to keep your dive trip more interesting!

So if you ever wondered what the weather was like, wondered what we are up to under the water, wondered what your favorite crew member was up to, or you just wanted to wave to all of your friends and family in a video post card sort of way, we've got just the gadget for you!