Heather B ( Instructors Team )

  • Instructor

    PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor - Scuba Diving since 2021

    I began living in CA in 2018 and stayed  for about 5 years, during that time I had always felt the most peacful and relaxed in and around the ocean. With that sense of calm in the water as well as a constant curiosity about the unknown and the desire to explore everywhere possible, I was Open Water Certified in 2021 near Oceanside, CA. I then didn't dive again for almost 3 years, but always missed it.

    In mid-2023, I was preparing to finish my contract in the Marine Corps with no idea whatvi would do next. The same sense of cluelessness, that also had helped guide me into the military, welled up inside me again and made me start weighing my options all over again. 

    Right around that time, I went to see Avatar: Way of Water in the theater - it pulled me in and reminded me just how amazing the underwater world is and made me want that peace and adventure again - so to Google I went. I dove into PADI's website and read dozens of articles on recreational diving, certifications, career paths and more - that's where I read about internships the first time. 

    I ended up leaving the military in late 2023, and moved back hoke to SC to be with my family - where I also did a refresher dive course in a lake. 

    After working a few odd jobs and only having school and diving as future plans, I went back to Google and searched for Dive Master Internships. I applied for the internship at Rainbow Reef and was extremely fortunate to be accepted to the program and start my next chapter/adventure mid-July 2024 🤙

    PADI Specialty Instructor Certifications:

    • Enriched Air/Nitrox Diver

    • Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver

    • Night Diver

    • Dive Against Debris

    • Fish Identification

    • PADI Emergency 02 Provider

    • EFR Primary/Secondary Care

    • EFR Care for Children

My Dive Gear:

  • Mask:

    Atomic SubFrame

    SubFrame image - medium The Atomic Aquatics SubFrame Mask is so durable, it carries a Lifetime warranty against frame breakage. The strength comes from the internal frame (subframe) molded directly beneath the surface of the silicone rubber skirt (patent pending). This subframe ...

  • Fins:

    Atomic Split Fins

    Split Fins image - medium All it took was watching the tail fins of fish - except that we couldn't keep up with them because our traditional fins took too much effort. Using hard kicking paddle fins can result in leg strain, fatigue and cramping. Because of the kick resistance of ...

  • Snorkel:

    Atomic SV-1 Snorkel

    SV-1 Snorkel image - medium The Atomic Aquatics Scupper Valve snorkel design is based on the same principle as the one-way Scupper Valve used in boats. If waves or splashes enter the boat, a one-way rubber flapper located on the deck near the rear of the boat opens to drain the wate...

Rainbow Reef Dive Center Barracuda