PADI Open Water Diving Course
Your passport to the world of scuba diving, the PADI Open Water certification is accepted world wide.
This is the first certification level, and can serve as step-up to many types of exciting and adventurous types of diving. eLearning allows you to do all of your academic learning and pre-requisites online, then jump right in the water for some real application and training.
eLearning PADI Open Water Course:
It's Just 2 Days! Start your course right away!
PADI eLearning Code
Dive Trips
BCD Rental
Regulator Rental
PADI eLearning Crew Pack
Here you start your class online, and finish all of your academic work, quizzes and online exam BEFORE you arrive. You can then complete your class in as little as 2 days when you visit us!
Spend more of your diving vacation in the water, not in the classroom!
Your class sessions can be custom designed to meet the needs of your schedule, but in most cases it is set up like this:
Day 1, Morning:
Pool Sessions 1, 2 and 3
Day 1, Afternoon:
Open Water Checkout Dives #1 & #2
Day 2, Morning:
Pool Sessions 4 and 5
Day 2, Afternoon:
Open Water Checkout Dives #3 & #4
The PADI eLearning code is INCLUDED with our PADI Open Water Class!
The PADI eLearning registration fee ($195 value) is also included... just call us to make your course reservation and receive your registration code to log in to the PADI eLearning site and start your class today! NOTE: Once you have redeemed your eLearning code, there is no refund for the eLearning
Open Water eLearning is an all-inclusive experience and PADI certification program, provided by our 5-Star PADI IDC staff
The price of the class includes everything you'll need, (except your own gear) including the certification card, rental BC/Regulator/Octo/SPG, and the PADI eLearning course registration fee for PADI. ($195 value), and also the PADI e-learning crew pack ($39.95 value) which you receive upon arrival.
The only thing required for your course that is not included in the class price is your own personal dive gear, which we define as your Mask, Fins and Snorkel. You may either bring your own, or take advantage of our great dive gear packages and receive discounts on your class or gear.
Take advantage of our great dive gear packages and receive discounts on your class... or gear... or Mask, Fins and Snorkel.
We highly recommend you take a look at our packages before you run out and acquire gear, as we have an awesome selection of high quality dive gear at unbeatable prices. Although it is highly recommended that you have your own personal dive gear while taking a class with us, it is not a requirement that you buy the gear from us.
Consulting with your instructor about your personal dive gear during your class assures not only a great fit, but that it meets your needs and preferences before you make any purchases.
So... if you do choose one of our great packages, you'll get a chance to try different gear during your class in the pool and on the dives. And if it is just not the right time for you to purchase your own Mask Fins and Snorkel, you can rent ours as an add-on during your class for just $39.95.
Everything you get in our PADI Open Water dive gear package:

Aqualung Deep See Focus Dive Mask
Bare Fastback full-foot Fin
Aqua Lung Deep See Airway Snorkel
Rainbow Reef Slap Strap
Dive Slate
Defog Solution
Fox40 Whistle
Rainbow Reef Mesh carry bag