Port Superstructure Aft

  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Port Superstructure Aft photo
  • Rated by Customers:
    5 Star rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphic

    Total Votes for this Site: 100

  • Site Depth:
    60-100 Feet

    Diver Level:
    Advanced Open Water

This the port side of the ship and closer to the aft of the super-structure. It is about mid-ship overall. This probably the shallowest ball on and attaches to the wreck about 65 feet.

A great place to start your dive if you want to explore the heart of the super-structure and decks, and also if you want to have a great view of the well deck.

An Advanced Open Water certification is recommended but not required for diving this area and for the general swim-through areas featured here, however an Advanced or Wreck Specialty certification and a reel is required if you wish to penetrate the wreck. Don't forget your gloves for the descent line.

Rainbow Reef Dive Center Barracuda