Forward Superstructure

  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Forward Superstructure photo
  • Rated by Customers:
    5 Star rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphic

    Total Votes for this Site: 100

  • Site Depth:
    70-100 Feet

    Diver Level:
    Advanced Open Water

The forward super structure area is a popular place on the ship because the swim-throughs are plentiful. Everything from the Bridge to the lower decks can be reached from here.

Depth ranges from 70 to 100 feet because you can be on any number of decks and begin your swim-throughs and enter the ship from the South or Bow area, including the bridge

An Advanced Open Water certification is recommended but not required for diving this area and for general swim-through areas, however an Advanced or Wreck Specialty certification and a reel is required if you wish to penetrate the wreck. Don't forget your gloves for the descent line.

Rainbow Reef Dive Center Barracuda