Anchor Chain

  • Anchor Chain photo
  • Anchor Chain photo
  • Anchor Chain photo
  • Anchor Chain photo
  • Anchor Chain photo
  • Rated by Customers:
    4.2 Star rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphicStar rating graphic

    Total Votes for this Site: 100

  • Site Depth:
    80-120 feet

    Diver Level:
    Advanced Open Water

The starboard Anchor chain has a split in the descent line where heading SW goes to the anchor down in about 120 feet of water and the heading NE connects to the bow area of the wreck near the super structure.

This is a good ball to view the Bow area of the Spiegel Grove, but we rarely use it to visit the anchor because it only features depth and sand which is helpful for tech diving.

Rainbow Reef Dive Center Barracuda