Avelo Buoyancy Control Dive System

Imagine a scuba set that's half the weight of your current one, yet gives you more bottom time. Imagine that scuba could provide the freedom and streamlined experience of freediving. Now, imagine all this with immediately perfect neutral buoyancy.
Why Avelo revolutionizes diving
Nothing compares to the sensation of hovering effortlessly underwater. Your scuba tribe cares deeply for the underwater environment, and you want your tribe to grow and prosper, because this environment needs a lot more caring. To achieve that goal, we must modernize scuba gear.

Divers carry an average 70 lbs / 32 kg of scuba gear or more. It's beyond uncomfortable and can become dangerous on unstable boats and wavy shores. It is needlessly debilitating.
To achieve neutral buoyancy with today’s gear, a BCD is used to create a bubble underwater that changes its volume as you either add or subtract air. However, since this bubble is ultra-sensitive to depth changes, it changes buoyancy quickly when you ascend and descend. This creates an unstable form of neutral buoyancy, which compromises safety and causes problems such as uncontrolled ascents.
The lightweight scuba system stays neutrally buoyant regardless of how much you ascend or descend. We have no depth-sensitive bubble on your back. Instead, we "borrow" water weight from the ocean. This concept provides a very stable form of neutral buoyancy, which leads to longer dives for any diver. New divers can hover in the water like pros and professional divers can accomplish their tasks much more efficiently. Technical divers will enjoy considerable weight reduction and additional streamlining. The system helps divers focus on what we love about diving.
Weight, what?

The lightweight tank is buoyant and can become lighter or heavier by using water from its environment. It operates by adding or removing water to maintain neutral buoyancy.
Once neutral buoyancy is achieved, it remains neutrally buoyant for long periods of time. This form of buoyancy is ultra-stable and is not affected by ascending or descending.
This concept changes everything about scuba diving. Imagine walking into the water carrying one of our lightweight systems. On the water’s surface you float because the Hydrotank is buoyant. When you are ready to dive, you press a button and water is pumped into the Hydrotank and around an inner bladder. When you feel neutrally buoyant, you stop the pump and swim down with 20-25 minutes of perfect neutral buoyancy without changing anything else. You can ascend or descend freely without feeling like you are being pulled up or down.
After 20-25 minutes you consume enough gas mass to become a little buoyant. You turn on the pump again for 20-30 seconds. The water in the Hydrotank replaces the mass of the gas you consumed, and you experience another 20-25 minutes of pure underwater Zen. Repeat until it’s time to get back on the boat (or shore).
At the end of the dive, you open a purge valve and all the water from the Hydrotank is released, you are buoyant and lightweight, making the climb back aboard a breeze.

Why it works
Eliminates Instability
There is no air pocket (i.e. BCD) that causes these rapid buoyancy changes. When you swim with the Avelo System, you move. When you stop swimming, you hover. It’s an underwater stability sensation that cannot exist with standard scuba systems today. We stand by this statement as dive professionals with 20+ years of teaching scuba all over the world.
Wetsuits, even thick ones, have a minor effect on buoyancy. Their buoyancy needs are easily managed with our Hydrotank. While drysuits are a buoyancy bubble similar to BCDs, they are much more easily managed with the Avelo System.
Perfect buoyancy with intuitive lung control
Experienced dive professionals correctly emphasize the importance of lung control as the foundation for perfect buoyancy. The air pocket (BCD) is supposed to be used to adjust the diver’s buoyancy to "about neutral" and then the lungs are used to fine tune this buoyancy.
The problem with the air pocket is that it is very sensitive to depth changes. As such, it provides an unstable platform for neutral buoyancy. The larger the air pocket the more sensitive it is to depth changes. This phenomena narrows the depth range in which controlling buoyancy with the lungs alone is effective.
The Avelo System eliminates the air pocket. Perfect neutral buoyancy is easily reached using water weight. Once reached, the diver can pinpoint their vertical location in the water column at any depth using slight breathing modifications.
Perfect weighting every dive
Proper weighting is paramount for a good diving experience. Too much weight means the diver must carry a larger air pocket in the BCD. This exacerbates the instability of neutral buoyancy.
Too little weight and the diver is struggling to stay submerged. This is a sure recipe for over-exertion and shorter dives.
The Avelo System allows you to use the buoyancy of our lightweight Hydrotank to your advantage. When you need weights, you "borrow" it from the water around you. Even better, you borrow just the right amount of weight for you to be neutrally buoyant. You need more weight? Start the pump. You need less weight? Purge water.
Ready to get certified in the
Avelo Dive System?